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5 min read
Holy Boldness
Jump forward to the last day of Chanukah. You’ve eaten enough doughnuts, lit the menorah, said Hallel for eight days and are feeling...
5 min read
Be that light even when its dark
As we leave shul on Motzei Simchas Torah we wish each other “a good winter.” With the clocks changing, winter is now upon us. Dovid...
5 min read
Maybe we are more like Efron than Avrohom!
We tend to judge our own actions favourably. Afterall, if others push you down or view you negatively, you might be your only advocate....
3 min read
Manchester Vigil #bringbackourboys
Manchester Vigil Sunday 22nd June 2014 #bringbackourboys Naftali ,Gilead , Eyal, Od lo avda Tikvateinu! For 2000 years we dreamt of a...
2 min read
Parashat #Shelach
Managing our own feelings We don’t always succeed in understanding our own feelings. At times we express them for all to see, sometimes...
1 min read
BBC report that faith groups give more to charity listen to my debate on BBC Radio today 8th June 2014 <iframe width=”100%” height=”450″...
1 min read
Sunday Trading Debate
Sunday Trading Debate Sunday Trading Laws What should Sunday feel like ? Should it still be a Sabbath in a Christian country? A Rabbi A...
2 min read
Parashat Naso
“For the entire duration of his abstinence, he shall not eat any product of the grape vine, from seeds to skins” Bamidbar 6:4 Before...
2 min read
Parashat #Behar
Leave the world alone The American author Daniel Quinn writes that “Man’s destiny was to conquer and rule the world, and this is what...
2 min read
Parashat #Emor
The treatment of animals & The treatment of humans Gandhi taught that “the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by...
1 min read
A Rabbi and a Sheikh go for a ride in a car, not a joke but friendship
#friendship #Jewish #Muslim #understanding
4 min read
Wedding Sermon delivered Thursday 6th March 2014- Mazal Tov
Sheva Brachot- Wedding Celebration for Esther & Chaim Well parents, you certainly chose an interesting week for the wedding. Parashat...
Mar 2, 20225 min read
Just Pause
The calendar hanging on the wall in our kitchen tells me that this Shabbos is an hafsoko. Sandwiched between Parashas Shekalim and Zachor...
Feb 1, 20224 min read
A time for wailing and a time for dancing
When difficulties overtake us, when darkness envelopes our inner world it is often impossible to see a better tomorrow. We read a few...
Feb 1, 20224 min read
Wishing you Good Shabbos
Imagine you were camped around Har Sinai. You’ve just heard directly from Hakadosh Boruch Hu. It’s the first Shabbos post the national...
Feb 1, 20225 min read
Making space for every Jew
Dovid Ha’melech writes in Tehilim that Yerusholayim is an “Ir sh’chubra la yachdav” a city that unites. Rashi comments that “there is a...
Dec 23, 20214 min read
Smile, you are in love!
For over twenty years I have had the privilege of sharing the beauty of our mesora with children who do not have the zechus to be born...
9 min read
Final Sermon Cheadle Synagogue- Shabbat Hagadol
Courage This Shabbat is known throughout the Jewish world as Shabbat Hagadol- The Great Shabbat. At a Brit Milah we bless the baby, Ze...
6 min read
Sermon Yeshurun Shul- Delivered 1st of March 2014
Mediocrity VS Excellence A number of years ago I applied for the BBC Apprentice show. I didn’t have a business plan and the idea of...
2 min read
Parashat #Pikudei- Master of the House
Master of the house This week is the final instalment of the Mishkan saga. We have heard and studied every detail of the House of God for...
5 min read
Holy Boldness
Jump forward to the last day of Chanukah. You’ve eaten enough doughnuts, lit the menorah, said Hallel for eight days and are feeling...
5 min read
Be that light even when its dark
As we leave shul on Motzei Simchas Torah we wish each other “a good winter.” With the clocks changing, winter is now upon us. Dovid...
5 min read
Maybe we are more like Efron than Avrohom!
We tend to judge our own actions favourably. Afterall, if others push you down or view you negatively, you might be your only advocate....
3 min read
Manchester Vigil #bringbackourboys
Manchester Vigil Sunday 22nd June 2014 #bringbackourboys Naftali ,Gilead , Eyal, Od lo avda Tikvateinu! For 2000 years we dreamt of a...
2 min read
Parashat #Shelach
Managing our own feelings We don’t always succeed in understanding our own feelings. At times we express them for all to see, sometimes...
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